How To Disable Animation Effects On Windows 11?

The original objective for Windows 11 at Microsoft was to provide an OS with the same level of agility as macOS. To achieve this, we used smoother typefaces, animations, shadows, and translucent effects. Windows’ wide variety of devices, in contrast to macOS, over which Apple has direct control, presented difficulties for systems with limited resources. Fortunately, Windows gives users an option to deactivate these visual effects, which allows the system to free up important resources. Presented below is the process.

How can I proceed?

You may disable visual effects in two different ways if your PC isn’t up to the task. The greatest noticeable speed improvements will occur if you eliminate all animations, however you have the option to disable only animation effects to keep certain visual components.

Be warned that if you disable all animations, you will also lose all of the fancy font rendering capabilities. The “Smooth edges of the screen fonts” option must be enabled in such instances.

Turn off Windows 11’s animation effects

  • Launch the Settings app and go to the Accessibility section.
  • Go to the page for Visual Effects.
  • Toggle the switch to disable animation effects.
  • An image showing the Windows 11 motion effects disablement screen
  • After finishing, the animations for common window actions will no longer be shown, making it easier for the user to work with the program.

Turn off any and all visual effects

  • Go to System and Security in the Control Panel.
  • Choose “Allow remote access” from the “System” menu to view the old System Properties.
  • Result showing the option to enable remote access
  • Go to the Advanced menu and choose it.
  • Select Settings from the Performance tab.
  • View of the Performance section’s Settings button using screen capture
  • To optimize performance, open the Visual Effects menu and check the “Adjust for best performance” option.
  • Taking a screenshot of the Windows 11 animation disablement menu
  • Tap on Apply and then choose OK.
  • Turn off a certain animation
  • You may deactivate certain Windows 11 animations while leaving others enabled if you choose not to use them. Let me show you:

Launch the Search bar in Windows

  • Look for “Customize Windows’ Look and Performance.”
  • Go to the Visual Effects menu and choose the “Custom” option.
  • A screenshot showing the process to deactivate Windows 11’s custom animations
  • Turn off the animation you want.
  • Tap on Apply and then choose OK.
  • Never forget that the “Let Windows choose what’s best for my computer” option is right there on the settings page where you may re-enable animations.

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